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Learn about

LGBTQ+ Issues

Do you have questions about LGBTQ+ terms and meanings?

You have come to the right place. We have compiled information about a wide range of LGBTQ+ topics to help answer your questions. In the Learn About Gender and Sexual Orientation section we describe the difference between gender identity and sexual orientation. You will find information about specific gender identities including what it means to be transgender, gender non-conforming, and cis gender. On the LGBTQ+ Glossary of Terms page you will find a list of terms associated with LGBTQ+ identities, people, and activities. Please be advised that this comprehensive list includes terminology of a sexual nature. In the Learn about Advocacy section, you will find information the tools of advocacy, ways to engage in advocacy, and topics that are ripe for advocacy. In the Learn about Explicit and Implicit Bias section you can learn about the difference between explicit bias or prejudice and implicit bias. Self-study anti-bias training materials are also available on this page. In the Learn about Allyship section, you can learn about how to be a better ally to LGBTQ+ people; even people who identify as LGBTQ+ can learn how to be better allies to others within the community. 

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