Friendly Medical
The providers listed below have self-identified as being LGTQ+ friendly providers. Inclusion on this list does not represent an endorsement by 406 Pride.
Billings Clinic
Commitment to LGBTQ+ Health
Billings Clinic is one of only two healthcare organizations in Montana that participates in the Healthcare Equality Index, which promotes equitable and inclusive care of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ+) patients and their families. Billings Clinic strives to be a leader on LGTBQ+ health care services throughout Montana and the region.
To assist LGBTQ+ patients and their families, designated Billings Clinic Care Managers are available to help answer questions, address concerns, navigate the health care system and connect them with care providers. This includes a wide range of physicians for adults and youth – including internal or family medicine, specialty providers and behavioral health providers – with specific clinical interests in serving LGBTQ+ patient populations.
RiverStone Health
Commitment Statement
RiverStone Health Clinic is a community health center that welcomes and serves all community members. We recognize that the LGBTQ+ community has experienced stigma and discrimination when using healthcare services. At RiverStone Health, we are dedicated to overcoming the harmful health and social inequities this has created.
Our LGBTQ+ patients and their families get individualized care from a healthcare team of medical, behavioral health, and dental providers, care advocates and others, who have specialized training caring for people of all ages.
Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Reproductive Healthcare
Planned Parenthood West
1844 Broadwater, Ste 4
Billings, MT 59102
Office Phone: (406) 656-9928